Bubblerepair kit

Wallpaper Air Bubbles

Home of the Bubblerepair wallpaper paste syringe kit!

bubblerepair003001.jpg Fix those annoying bubbles and lifting wallpaper edges with ease! All profit goes to charity.
DIY Doctor
Handy guides on how to wallpaper:
The idea is simple. You know those little emulsion sample pots/brushes you can get to test if you like the colour? Well I keep those for any colours I eventually choose, so touching in any marks or scrapes just takes a few seconds and saves me having to dig out the tin and a brush from the garage. I'm sure many of you do this too.
I just wanted to be able to do the same for any wallpaper repairs so I made up a little kit to keep in the house so its always ready to use. It works well as you'll see from the feedback page and comprises:
I'm a volunteer engineer for a charity called Remap (www.remap.org.uk) making or modifying equipment for people with disabilities. I put these kits together from new components bought in bulk and sell them, and donate the small amount I make (once I've covered my costs and postage) to the charity. So not only are you buying something useful, you are helping a worthwhile cause too!